George S. Patton

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File:Red Patton.png

George S. Patton was the outspoken and opinionated American general of the Second World War, and a strong advocate of armoured warfare. Patton was one of the expeditionary commanders of FDR's mission to Arrakis. He wants nothing more than to "KICK SOME GODDAMN M###########G BRITISH ##S".

Behind the Scenes

During DYOS 1, CivGeneral used Patton as a representation of his character. Though as the series progressed, dropped the picture of Patton in favor of using Gilad Pellaeon or a female character as his persona until when he acquired Garry's Mod. The personality of Patton, especially the recent lampooning of Patton in later DYOSes, did not carried over into CivGeneral.

See also