Kuraki Tojikawa

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Kuraki Tojikawa
Intrigue Factor: 168
DYOS resident creppy Japanese woman
First appearanceDRAW Your Own Story 10.5
Created byThorvald of Lym
Date of birthUnknown

Kuraki Tojikawa is a Japanese woman who knows quite a lot about Mr. Toyoda, The Gem, and several other subjects. She is inferred to be an intimate of Toyoda, although their relationship remains unclear.

Acting on advice from Shuji Tanaka,[1] choxorn set course for Kitami with the aim of learning whatever he could from Kuraki in his search for Toyoda. He met her in a restaurant,[2] and during the course of the ensuing conversation, was corrected on a number of false assumptions regarding the Gem; mainly, that its power is not channelled through physical contact,[3] and that it is not lethal in of itself (the unlucky Combine officer was thus a rare exception[4]).

Although Kuraki did not confirm nor deny Tanaka's suggestion that Toyoda had gone into Enclave territory, she upheld the scenario's plausibility. She alternatively proposed that he may have embarked on a mission to track down the Gargantua, revealing that Kitami was "ground zero" for the Troubles.[5]

Kuraki is also shown to have a connection to Eastern Union Marshal Brusilov: choxorn sees him incognito receiving an object shortly before his entry,[2] which Brusilov later presents to the general staff as a 'silver bullet' in ending the Nazi war on Earth.[6]
