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Silho Espinosa(DYOS Character )
Silho the Hedgehog, as drawn by Tanner Bates
First appearanceDRAW Your Own Story 11
Last appearanceN/A
SpeciesMutant Hybrid; Phenotype of Hedgehog
Date of birthUnknown
AgeChronologically 31 months, biologically 25
OccupationProtagonist, Anti-hero
FamilySic Tee Ting ("father"), Dr. Espinosa ("father" - deceased), Florence (brother - killed by Silho), Locke (brother - killed by Silho), Lyev (brother - killed by Silho), Voltaire(brother due to being fellow experiment)
NationalityCreated by Liomati faction; no nationality

Silho - adopted surname Espinosa - is a character created by Taniciusfox. He is one of the protagonists in TF's arc of the story, serving alongside Tanicius and Shadow.


In real life, Silho was designed to be a homage to Shadow - a favorite character of TaniciusFox's - in one of his original works. Indeed, his name derives from "silhouette." Silho now makes appearances in two of TF's original series - one as a hero and another as a villain.

In TF's original works(the scrapped Menokama no Koden series), Silho was created by the Liomati faction as part of a genetic research project. He was the first successful supersoldier created by the Liomati. He was designed to be able to take on small armies all on his own, but he ended up befriending a prisoner of the Liomati, and soon escaped with his assistance. Other projects - such as Voltaire - were created, but with more failsafes and weaknesses to avoid the mistake, and all were told to kill Silho on sight for being a traitor.

...that naturally didn't go so well, as Silho used his keen mind to turn the tables, killing all but Voltaire, which leads to their current enmity. Silho went through various careers, from assassin to self-elected politician, trying to find a purpose... until Marius convinced him the best way to do good was help people and protect the planet from harm. Silho believed this, and would do battle numerous times against the mad man Dr. Veinsufin...


Silho doesn't seem to age, doesn't need to eat or sleep, and has incredible regeneration and strength due to the many physical modifications to his body. All of his abilities are amplified - or in some cases, as in regeneration and agelessness - by the substance Menokium. He can turn his quills into weapons by elongating them, using them as a blade attached to his body parts, or just outright shooting them as projectiles sharp as knives. He can discharge the energy of the Menokium itself to shoot long distances - this has the quirk of turning his entire body into a projectile.

Without Menokium, Silho retains his physical power - he does have metals built into his skeleton and muscles after all! - but he starts to age, requires sleep and food, and overall loses most of his power. Within the scope of DYOS, his Menokium stores are steadily depleting, making him weaker with each appearance. He ended up using them all in his battle against Voltaire, leaving him "bald" and extremely vulnerable.


Silho, at first glance, is heartless. He has no qualms about killing whatsoever, with a generally low view of all around him. He is extremely difficult to befriend, his mind having been shaped from experience as a heartless soldier and a tool rather than a person. He is a weapon, after all.

The only two people who Silho has ever shown compassion for are the young boy who released him from Liomati captivity - Marius - and the kind-hearted doctor Espinosa, who orchestrated Silho's escape because he couldn't bear to see his "son" be a weapon. The latter is deceased and the former is stuck in Silho's home world.

Like a stock antihero however, he does in fact have feelings, but bottles them up. He seemed to show a slight bit of regret to having "killed" Voltaire due to their almost brotherly ties, but snapped back into an uncaring mode as soon as Shadow was nearby.

Silho has rarely broken down, but did one notable time - he located Dr. Espinosa during his attempt to kill all the Liomati scientists. Espinosa paralysed Silho with a special control built into the hedgehog, but rather than terminate him, explained his reasoning... how he had caused the chain of events that set Silho free, allowing him to be an individual, rather than a weapon. Espinosa then forced Silho to execute him, setting Silho free from his control. Grieving over the Doctor's body, and realising all the man had done for him, Silho donned the name "Espinosa" in his honor from that day on.

Role in DYOS

Silho first appeared via a portal with Tanicius, falling on top of an irritated Shadow. Soon establishing an alliance with Shadow, the trio went to Mercia - Sonic not being available due to Shadow knocking him out cold - to address Voltaire's attack on the country.

Despite some initial scuffles with Rob, Shadow, Silho and Tanicius soon worked out any dispute and worked together to stop Voltaire's rampage. When Silho heard Voltaire's description however, he charged without a word, other than asking where he was last seen.

Silho snuck up on Voltaire, striking him with multiple volleys from his "quill gun." Voltaire and Silho then engaged in battle, their historical enmity fairly easy to see.

Voltaire seemed calm at first, but his inner insanity quickly showed; he fired lightning bolts and joltvelins (lame pun I know) at Silho, but the latter just dodged them, allowing Voltaire to tire himself out. With their conversation, it became obvious their dislike for eachother stems from Voltaire and several unseen colleagues - "siblings," likely more experiments - trying to kill Silho. Voltaire was the only survivor of this assassination attempt against Silho, and as such, each one now desires the other's blood.

Voltaire was overwhelmed when Silho used up all his personal Menokium stores to shoot out his quills in a ballista-like fashion. Voltaire had likewise used up all his Menokium during his ferocious attack - all part of Silho's plan - and so, could not escape. Silho was viciously struck down by the attack, impaled in numerous spots and the only reason he didn't die instantly was the fact his chest was extra-reinforced, keeping his heart from being punctured.

Overlooking the barely-alive Voltaire, Silho lamented how he was saddened it had to end this way... He snapped back into an uncaring appearance as soon as he heard Shadow's voice, and the two walked off, questioning where Tanicius had run off to.