Cardboard Box
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OMGWTFBBQ!! A box with legs!!
- I kinda like it in here, it's private!
- Jamie Hyneman
- Cue Metal Gear detected sound
- Anonymous
The cardboard box is a simple, but versatile instrument. Useful for storing things, hiding in, and myriad of other uses second only to duct tape. Children commonly play in boxes; in fact, raise your hand when your kid got more out of the box than the toy inside. Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes used a cardboard box as a basis for his Transmogrifier, Time Machine, and much, much more. This article addresses the novel uses found by DYOS characters.
Cardboard Box Gags in DYOS
- Taniciusfox had popped out of a box when someone mentioned "War" - a result of, his inner warmonger aside, mistaking it for "vore" - followed by an ion blast to the face. Twice he popped out of a box when CivGeneral and Samus were displaying affection to one another. The second time, he was promptly chased out by a Church guy. Just prior to CivGeneral's mission to Normandy, the gag was subverted (see below)
- SAX, in a display of breaking the Fourth wall, use the box to illustrate that "Taniciusfox is not in the box" in a frustrated manner. She did not used the box to hide in persay, but used it to illustrate a point. Likely ending the lampoon at that point.
- CivGeneral and Samus Aran used it to sneak into the Space Pirate Mothership. Abet were caught and forced to distract the pirates by making out infront of them. Which resulted in the "What's in the box?" gag (see bellow).
- Metrocop #1 Fan of Dasboschitt fame used the box to sneak into where Samus and CivGeneral were caught. He bumped into one of the Space Pirates and was uncovered. He simply chanted "Nine, Nine, Nine, Nine" along with a #9 sing and pointing at it. Then points to another box behind a Space Pirate
- Uberkleiner appeared in a box that Metrocop #1 Fan was pointing at. He unleashed his trademark beam spam along with the Most Annoying Sound in the World.
- Rhiza Kalanin used the box to sneak around in an alien base, abet almost got caught
- It was implied she went to try it again, but the guards had wizened up and lifted up the box, only to find Solid Snake making a guest appearance and beating up the guards
- Doctor Edward Richtofen used it to infiltrate New Port City Citadel to acquire vials of T-viruses, FEV, and other viral agents.