List of choxorn's Former Avatars
From DYOS Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThis is a list of choxorn's former avatars, with some notes about them, and links to pages if they have enough importance to get their own page.
An Infantry from Civ III
- He seemed to have the ability to either clone himself or get a bunch more Civ III Infantry to appear out of nowhere, judging by the army he had at the beginning of DYOS 10.
An Alien known only as Alien
- Somewhat badly drawn in MS Paint, he got killed by Voldemort in DYOS 9 and later returned as a cyborg in DYOS 10. Nothing more about him is known.
The Arbiter from Halo
- Appeared in DYOS for the longest amount of time, had all the abilities the Halo character had (Energy Shields, Active Camo, a bunch of weapons, etc...), and got blow'd up by a bomb.
A Confused General
- This still sort of is choxorn's avatar, he's just been zombified.