Rebecca Chambers

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Rebecca Chambers
FYI I am a Medic
First appearanceDRAW Your Own Story 11
Last appearanceUnknown
No. appearances>= 2
AliasesSTARS MED (CB handle)
Date of birthJanuary 1, 1990[1]
OccupationS.T.A.R.S. Medic, Rear Security
Nationality Coruscanti
CGBoS.png Brotherhood of Steel

A gifted girl, Rebecca was able to graduate from university at the young age of 18. Her expertise in chemistry and medicine earned her a position in S.T.A.R.S. - a Raccoon Police Department branch handling specialist cases - as Rear Security (RS) for the Bravo team. She became the unit's youngest (and most inexperienced) member which made her quite nervous around her teammates. Because of this, she was eager to please and has been known to take on any task assigned to her without hesitation.


She was quickly recruited by Major Kusanagi and sent to have her meet CivGeneral at Nar Kreeta. Though with the Battle of Nar Kreeta in full swing, CivGeneral's crew rescued her and became the team's medic.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Year of birth moved up by 10 to avoid age differences. Birth month and date not given

See also