Transit Advisor Jim
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Jump to navigationJump to searchYOU CAN'T CUT BACK ON FUNDING! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!
— Jim's catchphrase
Don't even think about touching the transit funds...
Transit Advisor Jim (or just Jim) is the Transit Advisor from the game Sim City 2000. He is known to yell at the mayor if he cuts back funding on transit, even a little bit.
This warning however is justified... just don't do it. No, not even to see what happens. You will regret it.
Jim also works for the SCP Foundation as their Transit Advisor. He always speaks in all caps, even when whispering as a running gag
Behind the Scenes
Jim is based off the Transit Advisor in the Sim City 2000 Let's Play (LP), Link here
In the LP, Jim always speaks in all caps and is very evil... and also warns to never cut back on transit funding. Ever!